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Register as Nederlandse Drogisterij Service supplier

Dear supplier,

Nederlandse Drogisterij Service optimizes the Order-to-Cash process by exchanging electronically purchase orders, delivery notes and invoices with their most important suppliers. As technical partner Basware takes charge of this on behalf of Nederlandse Drogisterij Service.

Communication possibilities:

Full-EDI: you already have an internal EDI solution integrated into your logistic software or erp-system. You are ready to directly receive electronic messages and send them out via x400 or AS2.

Web-EDI: you prefer to interactively use a type of mailbox on the web with specific prefilled screens to receive purchase orders and create delivery notes and invoices. No software installation is required.


Full-EDI Web-EDI
400€ one time 480€ per year

Company data

Company name *
Street *
No *
Town *
Country *
VAT number *
  Incl. the country code, without punctuation
(example: VAT 0123.456.789 must be written 'BE0123456789')
X-400 address (only if you choose Full-EDI)
Existing EDI service provider (optional and only for Full-EDI)
Will you use purchasing orders?
GLN code (EAN) *
If you do not have Global Location Number yet, we kindly ask you to register via this GS1-link
If you do not have Global Location Number yet, we kindly ask you to register via this GS1-link
Your choice *

Supplier contact person (Nederlandse Drogisterij Service order management)

Title * Mr    Mrs   
Last name *
First name *
E-mail address *
Phone (fixed/mobile)

Extra information

  • You should have already received an invitation mail via your contact person at Nederlandse Drogisterij Service
  • Registration is mandatory
  • Your registration will be approved by Nederlandse Drogisterij Service in the next few days
  • You'll get a simple contract proposition according to the choices you've made
  • Basware will get in touch with you very soon for your connection
  • For all other questions:

Basware Portal
Create invoice